Faculty of Aerospace Engineering
Prof. Hadar Ben-Gida
Research field: The Applied Aerodynamics and Aeroacoustics Lab’s vision is to improve the physical understanding of noise-generating unsteady flow mechanisms in applied aeronautical systems, develop improved noise prediction models, and lead the application of innovative noise mitigation solutions in aircraft.
Research projects:
1) Small-scale low-Reynolds rotor noise signature modeling and control,
2) Characterization of noise-generating flow mechanisms in aircraft high-lift wing devices,
3) Noise-generating flow oscillations of a transonic flow in a weapon bay, and
4) Characterization of supersonic cavity flow oscillations due to incoming three-dimensional boundary layer.
Required Background
A high score (above 85) in fluid dynamics and/or aerodynamics courses; a background in aeroacoustics, propellers, or compressible flow is an advantage.
Background in CFD simulations and/or wind tunnel testing; experience with RANS or LES solvers is an advantage, as well as experience in acoustic or PIV measurements.
Good proficiency in Matlab is required; Experience in Python, C, C++, and/or Unix is an advantage.
Prof. Igal Gluzman
Research field: The Fluid Mechanical Laboratory (FML) was founded in 2022 to enable advanced understanding of complex problems in fluid mechanics. The research in the lab employs experimental, numerical, and theoretical methodologies that combine interdisciplinary approaches from dynamical systems, advanced signal processing, computer vision tools, and estimation theory. FML is currently focused on the following research areas:
1. Transitional and turbulent boundary layers
2. Cavitation and bubble dynamics
Minimum Qualifications:
1. Experience in CAD design (SolidWorks)
2. Background CFD simulations on CAD models.
3. High score in fundamental fluid mechanics courses (grades above 85).
4. Proficiency in MATLAB or Python.
1. Background working with Computer Vision Toolbox in MATLAB or OpenCV modules.
2. Background in estimation and control theory.
3. Background in multiphase flows and cavitation.
4. Proficiency with experimental fluid dynamic techniques, and preferably experience working with Stereo PIV imaging, hotwire anemometry, pressure gauges, and thermocouples.
Prof. Beni Cukurel
Research field: Our laboratory conducts cutting-edge research and advanced development in the field of gas turbines for propulsion and power generation applications. The lab focuses its efforts on the hot gas section, consisting of the combustor and the turbine. The scientific contributions are primarily applicable to small-scale engines, which are commonly used in distributed power generation, business jets, unmanned air vehicles, auxiliary power units, marine systems, and other applications. In light of more stringent emission requirements, demand for increased power-to-weight ratio, the progressively augmenting durability requisites, and the critical necessity to improve cycle efficiency, the laboratory develops technology at the frontiers of the current knowledge with advances in Gas Turbine Component Design and Analysis, Basic and Applied Heat Transfer, Measurement Techniques Development.
Required background: Final year students with a strong background in any of the following: MATLAB, Solidworks / Creo, LabVIEW, Computational Fluid Dynamics, Finite Elements / Volumes Solvers.
Prof. Pavel Galich
Research field: Numerical and experimental lab focused on elastic-wave mechanics, acoustic metamaterials, phononic crystals, nonlinear mechanics, magnetoelastic materials, and passive non-Hermitian acoustics. We develop novel lightweight materials and structures for protection from undesirable vibrations and noise in the Aerospace Industry. We perform transmission loss measurements for longitudinal [pressure] and transverse [shear] waves for a wide range of ultrasonic frequencies (i.e. 0.02-5 MHz); also, we determine sound absorption coefficient, surface impedance, and transmission loss, according to ISO or ASTM for a wide range of frequencies (i.e. 0.05–6.4 kHz)
Research background: students should ideally have some knowledge in any of the following (or closely related): Wolfram Mathematica, COMSOL, Solidworks, nTopology, Labview, ultrasonics, acoustics, crystallography, nonlinear mechanics, and magnetism.
Prof. Ian Jacobi
Research field: The experimental lab focused on fluid mechanics, turbulence, drag reduction, flow control, bubble dynamics, and particle dispersion. We perform flow diagnostics in a high-speed water tunnel using particle-image velocimetry, along with other optical and mechanical measurement techniques.
Required background: Students should ideally have some background in any of the following: matlab, solidworks, labview, electronics, optics.
Prof. Dan Michaels
Research field: Rocket Propulsion Center – Applied combustion research related to rockets, ramets, and gas turbines.
Required background: A good foundation in fluid dynamics and thermodynamics. Acceptance based on interview. Universities/Departments: Aerospace/Mechanical/Chemical Eng.