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The research focus is open, insofar as it is established a clear connection between ancient atomism and the candidate’s area(s) of interest. Broadly conceived, the successful candidate will foster interdisciplinary collaborations that link the humanities to science and technology. Preferences will be given to students who have a good command of Greek and Latin, as well as who can work on both the ancient period and the Renaissance/early modern period.
Stipend: $1700 per month, with gradual increases based on academic performance and successful completion of a candidacy exam.
Start Date: February 2025
Duration: 3 years
Deadline: July 24, 2024 for the expression of interest; November 30, 2024, for the official application.
Please send by July 24 to Enrico Piergiacomi (enrico.p@technion.ac.il) with CC to Anat Glass (anatg@technion.ac) the following material:
• CV, including a list of publications (if any)
• Sample of written work
• A research proposal (2-3 pages, bibliography excluded)
• 2 letters of recommendation.
For more information about the department: https://humanities.technion.ac.il/en/.
For information about the acceptance conditions: https://graduate.technion.ac.il/en/prospective-students/
Note that a master thesis with a minimal 85 grade is required. Informal inquiries can be directed to Enrico Piergiacomi: enrico.p@technion.ac.il.
For open questions, please contact us and we will get back to you.
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