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Terms of use

  1. General

1.1 Upon entering the website (hereinafter: “the website”), and prior to carrying out any action on the website and/or using any service  or information of any kind offered on the website, you are requested to read, carefully, the terms of service detailed below, including  the website content, the services and usage options found and offered through it (henceforth: the “Terms of Use”).

1.2  The terms of use specify the relationship between owner of the website (henceforth: the “ Technion”), and any person/entity entering the website and/or making use of the website and/or the information offered and/or the services found and/or offered as part of the website, of any kind or sort, whether they exist on the website or can be obtained through it (henceforth: the “ User”).

1.3  The Technion might change, from time to time, the terms of use per its sole discretion.

  1. Information and images on the website:

The information presented on this site is for convenience purposes only.

  1. Intellectual Property:

3.1 All intellectual property rights, including copyrights, distribution rights, trade secrets and other intellectual property rights, inter alia, in connection with the information and services found on the website, are owned solely by the Technion or in the event that they were presented on the website and/or through the website via a third party, are the property of these third parties only, and the user shall have no rights with respect to them whatsoever (hereinafter: “the protected components”).

3.2 the user may not copy, distribute, make changes, broadcast, publicly display, reproduce, publish, issue a license, create derivative works from the information and data published on the website and/or deliver to any third party any of the above, without obtaining the explicit written consent of the Technion in advance, in writing. The name of the Technion, the domain name of the website and proprietary symbols (whether registered or not) of the Technion are the exclusive property of the Technion and/or anyone acting on its behalf and may not be used without its written consent, obtained in advance.

  1. Restricting commercial use of the website:

No commercial use may be made of the website or the data published therein.

  1. Limited Liability:

5.1 In any case where the Technion will not be able to provide the user with the services of the website, for any reason whatsoever, including due to an act and/or omission of the Technion or in the event that the Technion requests to change and/or cancel the services, the user will not be entitled to any compensation and/or indemnity of any kind whatsoever for the aforesaid, and hereby waives fully and irrevocably and shall be prevented and waived from raising any claim and/or suit of any kind and type whatsoever in this regard.

5.2 Without derogating from the above, the Technion and/or anyone acting on its behalf shall bear no liability whatsoever for direct or indirect damage and/or loss, including compensation for loss of work and business, loss of profits, damage to reputation, loss and/or other financial damages arising and/or related to the user’s ability to benefit from the use of the site and the adaptation of the services to the user’s needs; circumstances that are not under the control of the Technion or that the Technion could not foresee; use or reliance on information and content published on the site, including by third parties; any act and/or omission performed with the information or details provided by the user to third parties; Disruption of functionality and/or availability of the tenders websites and/or other services arising from malfunctions or failures of the Internet or TV networks and/or overload of traffic in email; damage or loss caused by error, accident, inaccuracy, etc., in the content of the information provided by the user on the tender site; Without derogating from the aforesaid, any damage or loss that the Technion was unable to anticipate and/or prevent by reasonable means.

5.3 The user acknowledges that the services and all that is related thereto are provided by the Technion in their condition, as they are, and subject to their availability. The user hereby declares and guarantees that he is  solely responsible for any use they make of the services or information found on the website, and is aware that the Technion is not responsible, directly or indirectly, for any use the user makes of such services or information

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