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Faculty of Mathematics

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Faculty of Mathematics

Assoc. Prof. Yoav Shechtman

Research Field: Developing computational optical imaging methods for microscopy and diagnostics.

Required background: A background in optics is highly recommended.

Prof. Ron Holzman

Research field: Combinatorics, Game Theory

Research background: Students of Mathematics, who have some background in and attraction to discrete mathematics

Assoc. Prof. Ron Rosenthal

Research field: Mathematical Physics, Probability and stochastic processes. The project will focus on a high-dimensional model for random walks. A simple random walk on the Euclidean lattice Z^d describes the random movement of a particle in d-dimensions. The particle is located on the vertices of the lattice Z^d, and at each step jumps to a random neighbor chosen uniformly at random, among the (2d)-neighbors at distance one on the lattice. Although the set-up is simple, the model exhibits rich behavior and led to the development of fascinating theories. Furthermore, random walks have applications in engineering and many scientific fields. In the project, we will study a new model for random walks on simplicial complexes and try to analyze their asymptotic behavior.

Assist. Prof. Howard Nuer
Research field: Algebraic geometry. The student will work on the project “The intersection of the components of the Noether-Lefschetz locus of Gushel-Mukai fourfolds”. The project is motivated by the study of moduli spaces of special Gushel-Mukai fourfolds in algebraic geometry.  Like cubic fourfolds, these smooth fourfolds have a rich and accessible Hodge theory that reduces studying their extra algebraic cycles to elementary questions in the arithmetic theory of positive-definite integral quadratic forms.  We will attempt to study those Gushel-Mukai fourfolds which lie in the intersection of all the discrimant d Noether-Lefshetz divisors, which is equivalent to finding a minimal rank positive-definite integral quadratic form representing the set of discriminants.

Required background: Students studying mathematics who are familiar with the arithmetic theory of integral quadratic forms at the level of Serre’s “A Course in Arithmetic”.  It is preferred to have some background in Algebraic Geometry.

Prof. Ross Pinsky

Research Field: Probability and stochastic processes, Partial Differential Equations, Random Combinatorics

Assist. Prof. Liran Rotem

Research Field: Convex geometry, Functional analysis, functional inequalities

Prof. Orr Shalit

Research Field: Functional Analysis (mainly Operator Theory and Operator Algebras), Spaces and Algebras of Holomorphic Functions

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