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Research and Post-Doctorate Positions

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Technion gave me the opportunity to work alongside brilliant people, experience life in a new country, and explore my academic passions.”

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At Technion, the strong academic atmosphere, advanced equipment, and pleasant natural environment are all very special. People here are especially friendly and kind-hearted. They helped me quite a lot. Coming to Technion is one of the best choices I have ever made.”

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Research and Post-Doctorate Positions

Technion Faculty

Field of Research


Faculty of Physics
Theoretical Biophysics and Soft, Active Matter
Ram Adar
Field of Research
Postdoc position in theoretical biophysics and soft, active matter in the group of Ram Adar, Department of Physics, starting in the fall of 2024 or spring of 2025. We apply a soft, active matter approach to understand biological effects, especially in the context of multicellular migration and metastasis, as part of collaborations with experimentalists.

Postdoc position
Start Date: Fall 2024 or Spring 2025

A background in soft matter, active matter, and hydrodynamics (both analytical and numerical) is preferred.

For more information, please visit our website

Contact Person
Ram Adar
Faculty of Chemical Engineering
Sustainable Multifunctional Polymers
Dr. Lucy Liberman
Field of Research
The Liberman Lab for Sustainable Multifunctional Polymers endeavors to develop innovative polymer systems based on polysaccharides and gain insights into their molecular-structural-property correlations.

We aim to create systems that possess well-defined nanostructures, resulting in materials that exhibit distinctive and advantageous properties at the macro-scale.

This position is for PhD students

Start Date: 2025

Interested candidates are encouraged to write to:
Dr. Lucy Liberman

Contact Person
Dr. Lucy Liberman
Humanities and Arts
History of Ancient Atomism
Dr. Enrico Piergiacomi
Field of Research
Fulbright Postdoctoral Fellowship in History of Ancient Atomism at the Technion, Israel Institute of Technology Full-time scholarship; under request, the candidate can teach and/or support Dr. Piergiacomi’s courses in the history of philosophy of science. Applications are invited for expressions of interest for one (1) postdoctoral fellowship at the Humanities & Arts Department at Technion, Israel Institute of Technology (Haifa, Israel), under the Postdoctoral Fulbright Program. The successful candidate will join the research laboratory directed by Dr. Enrico Piergiacomi and conduct independent and collaborative research under the project Digital Atomism: Democritus and the Democritean Tradition. The goal of the project is to conduct cutting-edge research on the earliest phase of atomism, namely Leucippus, Democritus, and the Democriteans (including but not limited to key figures like Anaxarchus, Metrodorus of Chios, and Nausiphanes), as well as in its subsequent reception. These thinkers not only laid the groundwork for the atomistic theories of Epicurus and Lucretius, but also served as a source of inspiration for corpuscular theories espoused by influential figures such as Francis Bacon, Galileo Galilei, and Pierre Gassendi. Their ideas also exerted a pervasive influence on various seemingly disparate intellectual strands, including scepticism (exemplified by Pyrrho and Sextus Empiricus), alchemy, libertinism, and even Marxism. Additionally, the project seeks to create a digital platform that will host a new collection of evidence on the ancient atomists and edit/translate texts of the Renaissance/early modern period that were directly influenced by these thinkers. An example is Giovanni Magneno’s Democritus reviviscens sive de atomis (Paris 1646). A list of desirable texts to be studied can be provided in advance.

The research focus is open, insofar as it is established a clear connection between ancient atomism and the candidate’s area of interest. Broadly conceived, the successful candidates will foster interdisciplinary collaborations that link the humanities to science and technology. Preferences will be given to students/scholars who have a good command of Greek and Latin, as well as who can work on both the ancient period and the Renaissance/early modern period.

The ability and desire to conduct independent research are essential. A publication record in a pertinent field is highly desirable.

Stipend: $95,000 ($47,500 per academic year), plus travel and relocation allowance up to $1,700, (U.S. – Israel, under the Fly America act) for Fulbright fellows (and spouses).

Start date: any time during the period from July 2025-May 2026

Duration: 1-2 years.

Deadline for the expression of interest: July 24.

Please send applications by July 24 to Enrico Piergiacomi ( with CC to Anat Glass ( Shortlisted candidates will be invited for an interview near the end of July. Their referees will be requested to submit the recommendations by that time.

Deadline for Fulbright Program: 16 September.

Eligibility criteria:
• U.S. citizenship (permanent residency is not sufficient);
• Ph.D. awarded no earlier than July 2020;
• Must not have resided outside the United States for five or more consecutive years during the six-year period preceding the application date;
• Must not be an employee or an employee’s relative (i.e., spouse or dependent child) of the U.S. Department of State or any public or private organization under contract with the U.S. Department of State.

The application for the expression of interest (in English) should include:
• CV, including a list of publications (up to 6 pages, single-spaced, 12-point font, 1-inch margins)
• One writing sample
• A research proposal (2-3 pages, bibliography excluded – see below)
• Names and contact details of two expert referees (actual letters will be requested only from shortlisted candidates; up to 3 pages, preferably on letterhead and signed)

The winner of the selection process will then have to submit through the Fulbright site the following application material:
• CV and list of publications as described above;
• Two letters of recommendation as described above;
• One short essay explaining why you chose to apply to the Technion (2000 characters), your career trajectory (1500 characters), and your familiarity with the host culture (2000 characters);
• A separate reference list on the project that you will submit (up to 3 pages, single-spaced, 12-point font, 1-inch margins)

Candidates who are not selected might be invited to visit the Technion for 2 to 12 months. Informal inquiries can be sent directly to Information on the Fulbright Postdoctoral Fellowship program can be found here

Contact Person
Dr. Enrico Piergiacomi
Humanities and Arts
History of Atomism
Dr. Enrico Piergiacomi
Field of Research
Expression of Interest: Fulbright U.S. Student Program at Technion, Israel Institute of Technology, project on the History of Atomism Full-time scholarship for one semester. Applications are invited for the expressions of interest for one (1) Ph.D student visiting fellowship at the Humanities & Arts department at Technion, Israel Institute of Technology (Haifa, Israel), under the Fulbright U.S. Student Program. The successful candidate will join the research laboratory directed by Dr. Enrico Piergiacomi and conduct independent and collaborative research under the project Digital Atomism: Democritus and the Democritean Tradition. The goal of the project is to conduct cutting-edge research on the earliest phase of atomism, namely Leucippus, Democritus, and the Democriteans (including but not limited to key figures like Anaxarchus, Metrodorus of Chios, and Nausiphanes), as well as in its subsequent reception. These thinkers not only laid the groundwork for the atomistic theories of Epicurus and Lucretius, but also served as a source of inspiration for corpuscular theories espoused by influential figures such as Francis Bacon, Galileo Galilei, and Pierre Gassendi. Their ideas also exerted a pervasive influence on various seemingly disparate intellectual strands, including scepticism (exemplified by Pyrrho and Sextus Empiricus), alchemy, libertinism, and even Marxism. Additionally, the project seeks to create a digital platform that will host a new collection of evidence on the ancient atomists and edit/translate texts of the Renaissance/early modern period that were directly influenced by these thinkers. An example is Giovanni Magneno’s Democritus reviviscens sive de atomis (Paris 1646). A list of desirable texts to be studied can be provided in advance.  

The research focus is open, insofar as it is established a clear connection between ancient atomism and the candidate’s area of interest. Broadly conceived, the successful candidates will foster interdisciplinary collaborations that link the humanities to science and technology. Preferences will be given to students/scholars who have a good command of Greek and Latin, as well as who can work on both the ancient period and the Renaissance/early modern period.

The ability and desire to conduct independent research are essential. A publication record in a pertinent field is highly desirable.

Full-time scholarship for one semester

Deadline for the expression of interest: July 24.

Deadline for the Fulbright Program: 8 October.

Eligibility criteria:
• U.S. citizenship (permanent residence is not sufficient);
• Must not have resided in Israel for more than 12 months prior to the start of the application process;
• Dual citizens (U.S. and Israel) are eligible.

Stipend: $11,800 living stipend (around $2,950 monthly), plus up to $1,200 reimbursement of airfare expenses.

Please send by July 24 to Enrico Piergiacomi ( with CC to Anat Glass ( the following material:
• CV, including a list of publications (if any)
• Sample of written work
• A research proposal (2-3 pages, bibliography excluded)
• 2 letters of recommendation

The winner of the selection process will then have to submit through the Fulbright site the application material described in this page.

For more information about the department:

For more information about this Fulbright: visiting program in Israel

Informal inquiries can be sent directly to

Contact Person
Dr. Enrico Piergiacomi
Humanities and Arts
History of Atomism
Dr. Enrico Piergiacomi
Field of Research
Postdoctoral position in History of Atomism at the Technion, Israel Institute of Technology Full-time scholarship: under request, the candidates can teach and/or support Dr. Piergiacomi’s courses in the history of philosophy of science. Applications are invited for one (1) full-time postdoctoral position at the Humanities & Arts department at Technion, Israel Institute of Technology (Haifa, Israel). The successful candidate will join the research laboratory directed by Dr. Enrico Piergiacomi and conduct independent and collaborative research under the project Digital Atomism: Democritus and the Democritean Tradition. The goal of the project is to conduct cutting-edge research on the earliest phase of atomism, namely Leucippus, Democritus, and the Democriteans (including but not limited to key figures like Anaxarchus, Metrodorus of Chios, and Nausiphanes), as well as in its subsequent reception. These thinkers not only laid the groundwork for the atomistic theories of Epicurus and Lucretius, but also served as a source of inspiration for corpuscular theories espoused by influential figures such as Francis Bacon, Galileo Galilei, and Pierre Gassendi. Their ideas also exerted a pervasive influence on various seemingly disparate intellectual strands, including scepticism (exemplified by Pyrrho and Sextus Empiricus), alchemy, libertinism, and even Marxism. Additionally, the project seeks to create a digital platform that will host a new collection of evidence on the ancient atomists and edit/translate texts of the Renaissance/early modern period that were directly influenced by these thinkers. An example is Giovanni Magneno’s Democritus reviviscens sive de atomis (Paris 1646). A list of desirable texts to be studied can be provided in advance.

The research focus is open, insofar as it is established a clear connection between ancient atomism and the candidate’s area(s) of interest. Broadly conceived, the successful candidates will foster interdisciplinary collaborations that link the humanities to science and technology. Preferences will be given to scholars who have a good command of Greek and Latin, as well as who can work on both the ancient period and the Renaissance/early modern period.

The applicant is required to have a PhD in philosophy or classics, close to completion or awarded no later than 5 years ago. The ability and desire to conduct independent research are essential, and a publication record in a pertinent field is highly desirable.

Stipend: $30,000 per year.

The application (in English) should include:
• CV, including a list of publications
• One writing sample
• A research proposal (2-3 pages, bibliography excluded)
• Names and contact details of two/three expert referees (actual letters will be requested only from shortlisted candidates).

Start date: flexible, ideally no later than November/December 2024

Duration: 1 year (renewable to up to 3 years)

Please send applications by July 24 to Enrico Piergiacomi ( with CC to Anat Glass ( Shortlisted candidates will be invited for an interview near the end of July and the beginning of August. Their referees will be requested to submit the recommendations by that time.

Candidates who are not selected for a full-time position might be invited to visit the Technion for 2 to 12 months. Informal inquiries can be sent directly to

Contact Person
Dr. Enrico Piergiacomi
Humanities and Arts
History of Atomism
Dr. Enrico Piergiacomi
Field of Research
Ph.D. candidate position in History of Atomism at the Technion, Israel Institute of Technology Full-time scholarship: under request, the candidates can teach and/or support Dr. Piergiacomi’s courses in the history of philosophy of science. The goal of the project is to conduct cutting-edge research on the earliest phase of atomism, namely Leucippus, Democritus, and the Democriteans (including but not limited to key figures like Anaxarchus, Metrodorus of Chios, and Nausiphanes), as well as in its subsequent reception. These thinkers not only laid the groundwork for the atomistic theories of Epicurus and Lucretius, but also served as a source of inspiration for corpuscular theories espoused by influential figures such as Francis Bacon, Galileo Galilei, and Pierre Gassendi. Their ideas also exerted a pervasive influence on various seemingly disparate intellectual strands, including scepticism (exemplified by Pyrrho and Sextus Empiricus), alchemy, libertinism, and even Marxism. Additionally, the project seeks to create a digital platform that will host a new collection of evidence on the ancient atomists and edit/translate texts of the Renaissance/early modern period that were directly influenced by these thinkers. An example is Giovanni Magneno’s Democritus reviviscens sive de atomis (Paris 1646). A list of desirable texts to be studied can be provided in advance.

The research focus is open, insofar as it is established a clear connection between ancient atomism and the candidate’s area(s) of interest. Broadly conceived, the successful candidate will foster interdisciplinary collaborations that link the humanities to science and technology. Preferences will be given to students who have a good command of Greek and Latin, as well as who can work on both the ancient period and the Renaissance/early modern period.

Stipend: $1700 per month, with gradual increases based on academic performance and successful completion of a candidacy exam.

Start Date: February 2025

Duration: 3 years

Deadline: July 24, 2024 for the expression of interest; November 30, 2024, for the official application.

Please send by July 24 to Enrico Piergiacomi ( with CC to Anat Glass ( the following material:
• CV, including a list of publications (if any)
• Sample of written work
• A research proposal (2-3 pages, bibliography excluded)
• 2 letters of recommendation.

For more information about the department:
For information about the acceptance conditions:

Note that a master thesis with a minimal 85 grade is required. Informal inquiries can be directed to Enrico Piergiacomi:


Contact Person
Dr. Enrico Piergiacomi
Humanities and Arts
Ethics of AI
Dr. Avigail Ferdman
Field of Research
Post-doc Fellowship in Ethics of AI The Technology Ethics Lab at the Technion invites applications for a Postdoctoral Fellowship in Ethics and Technology.               Position and Tasks The position is funded by the Notre Dame-IBM Technology Ethics Lab, and is in collaboration with Prof. Don Howard, co-director of Ethics of Emerging Technologies focus area at University of Notre Dame’s Reilly Center for Science, Technology, and Values. As a post-doc in this project, you will be involved in developing a normative framework for evaluating the goodness of AI tools and LLMs in particular, as well as developing an Embedded Ethics module that will be integrated into computer science courses at the University of Notre Dame and the Technion.                                                                                                                              Project Overview As AI systems, particularly Large Language Models (LLMs), become increasingly prevalent, there is growing concern about their ethical implications for society. Most discussions on this topic focus solely on the risks and harms associated with LLMs, overlooking their impact on human flourishing. As part of the Notre Dame-IBM Technology Ethics Lab call, this project aims to fill this gap by applying a virtue ethics approach to LLM environments and their relationship with the human good.      


PhD in a relevant field (ethics, political philosophy, philosophy of technology, philosophy of mind, or similar areas), normally by the time of appointment. A track record in publications in the relevant disciplines will be considered a plus.

Project duration

The Post-doctoral project is part of the “LLMs and a Well-Rounded Approach to Human Flourishing” project, concluding on February 2025. Post-doctoral position is 6-8 months between July 2024-Feb 2025 (inclusive).

Start Date: Immediate

How to Apply:
To apply please send an email indicating your interest to project leader Dr. Avigail Ferdman and include the following: CV; list of publications; writing sample; names and contact details of 2 referees.
Website: Call for Post-doc Fellowship in Ethics of AI




Contact Person
Dr. Avigail Ferdman
Faculty of Aerospace Engineering
High-Speed Air-Vehicle Sciences
Professor Tal Shima
Field of Research
The Department of Aerospace Engineering (AE) at the Technion – Israel institute of Technology invites applicants for multiple tenured or tenure-track faculty positions at all ranks in areas related to high-speed (hypersonic) flight, as part of the new Technion Center for High-Speed Flight. The AE Department at the Technion is dedicated to the creation, expansion, and dissemination of ideas and knowledge in the aerospace sciences and is committed to fostering interdisciplinary research that can address the grand challenges facing our society. Founded in 1954, the AE Department at the Technion is the only academic entity in Israel dedicated to cutting-edge research and education in the aerospace sciences. Enrolling around 400 undergraduate and 150 graduate students, the department serves a strategic role for the nation, maintaining Israel’s position as a leader in the global aerospace industry. The AE Department’s research and educational achievements are also recognized globally, with the department currently ranked 16th in the world according to the 2020 Shanghai Ranking. The department seeks individuals with outstanding potential for research achievements, who will provide inspiration to students and other faculty members, contribute proactively to both undergraduate and graduate level teaching, and add to the professional diversity of the academic community. The department is in the process of forming a center for high-speed flight, with dedicated experimental and numerical resources. Therefore, of particular interest are applicants involved in scientific disciplines related to supersonic and hypersonic flight domains. The non-exhaustive list of scientific expertise deemed relevant to the high-speed flight center have been identified as:
  • Aerodynamics/aerothermodynamics
  • Computational fluid dynamics
  • Optical diagnostics for high-speed and reacting flows
  • Multi-disciplinary design & optimization
  • Aeroelasticity
  • Aerospace materials and manufacturing technologies

Candidates will be expected to conduct independent world-class research, supervise graduate students and postdoctoral researchers, teach undergraduate- and graduate-level courses, and acquire external research funding.

Applicants should have earned a Ph.D. or equivalent.

A review of applications will be ongoing until available positions are filled.

Interested candidates should submit their application package (consisting of a cover letter, curriculum vitae and list of publications, research statement, teaching statement, and contact details of at least five references) to:

Professor Tal Shima, Dean
Faculty of Aerospace Engineering

Contact Person
Professor Tal Shima
Faculty of Aerospace Engineering
Hybrid Rocket Propellants
Associate Professor Joseph Lefkowitz
Field of Research
Rockets work by combustion which requires a fuel and an oxidizer. Solid and liquid rockets utilize fuel and oxidizer in the same phase (solid and liquid respectively). Hybrid rockets- the focus of our research- use fuels in the solid & oxidizers in the liquid phase. Hybrids are safe, cheap, allow thrust control and have a simpler design. However, without ignition of the propellant, our rocket’s not going anywhere, and that’s a challenge for hybrids. Hybrid ignition is plagued with problems such as delayed ignition and heavier motor weight to accommodate separate igniter systems. Our research therefore focuses on utilizing an energetic but safe propellant combinations that reacts exothermically and ignites rapidly, thereby potentially overcoming ignition problems in hybrids.

Looking for students to work on Hybrid Rocket Propellants in the Combustion and Diagnostics Group.

Apply to:


Contact Person
Associate Professor Joseph Lefkowitz
Faculty of Aerospace Engineering
Combustion Science
Associate Professor Joseph Lefkowitz
Field of Research
Ignition is one of the most challenging parts of high-speed propulsion systems. Our group conducts multi-disciplinary research using Nanosecond-pulsed High-frequency Discharge (NPHFD) Plasma to study and drastically improve combustion efficiency and enhancing ignition in gas turbines and advanced high-speed engines such as ramjets and scramjet. NPHFD Ignition Tunnel
  • Capable of high speed and high temperature flow
  • High speed infrared radiation spectroscopy
  • High speed schlieren imaging system
  • Collaboration with US Air Force Research Laboratory
  • Funded by the Israel Science Foundation and MAFAT

Be Part of the Future of Aerospace Propulsion.

Open positions for MSc and PhD students to work on Combustion Science in the Combustion and Diagnostics Group.

Apply to:


Contact Person
Associate Professor Joseph Lefkowitz
Faculty of Aerospace Engineering
Renewable Fuels
Associate Professor Joseph Lefkowitz
Field of Research
The major remaining technological challenges for a carbon free and sustainable future are storage and transport of renewable energies. Chemical storage of energy in the form of hydrogen and ammonia is one promising solution for both. In the combustion and diagnostic lab, we look at chemical processes involving these fuels, and how they can be improved. Prospective projects could investigate green ammonia production. Plasma-assisted combustion Ammonia combustion is challenging due to its resistance to ignition, low flame speed and high NOx emissions. A plasma discharge creates species that aid stable and clean combustion:
  • How to produce useful species under engine conditions
  • NOx and unburnt fuel reduction using plasma
  • Chemical kinetic mechanisms and modeling of plasma
  • Catalytic materials and catalysis modeling
  • Flame and ignition enhancement
  • And more…
Plasma-enhanced reforming To retrieve the energy stored in ammonia, it can be dissociated into reforming products in a plasma discharge:
  • Hydrogen yields
  • Other stable products for combustion: NOx, ozone
  • In future: plasma-assisted catalysis – both reforming and production

Open positions for MSc and PhD students to work on renewable fuels in the Combustion and Diagnostics Group.

Apply to:


Contact Person
Associate Professor Joseph Lefkowitz
Faculty of Aerospace Engineering
Measurement Techniques Development: Advanced Multi-Hotwire Anemometry
Professor Beni Cukurel
Field of Research
In order to experimentally quantify aero-thermo-acoustic performance of work addition processes (such as fans), unique instrumentation is necessary to provide instantaneous velocity, density and temperature fields. Decoupling the effect of flow parameters on the sensor output signal is considered to be one of the historic challenges. In this regard, we are working on advanced 4-wire hot wire anemometry technique that is able to decouple such fluctuations from the mainstream flow processes. Experimentally characterizing the Nusselt-Reynolds relation over each wire in a simple calibration process, and accounting for the compressibility effects by semi-empirical Mach corrections, the heat transfer behavior of each thin heated filament can be accurately described. By deriving the sensitivity of each variable theoretically, we are able to attain a reasonably nonsingular sensitivity matrix, formed by optimal selection of wire diameters and temperatures

Requested profile (background and skills):

  • A pre-existing solid background, or a strong desire to acquire knowledge, in the following subjects is essential: Advanced Measurement Techniques, Data Processing, Electronic
    Circuits, Convection Heat Transfer.
  • Expertise in MATLAB is a strong benefit.
  • High level of English language proficiency is desirable.
  • Candidates are expected to be self-motivated, hardworking and team players.

This position is for MSc and PhD students

Start Date: Immediate

Apply to:


Contact Person
Professor Beni Cukurel
Faculty of Aerospace Engineering
Measurement Techniques Development: Advanced Multispectral Infrared Thermography
Professor Beni Cukurel
Field of Research
Gas turbine engines heavily rely on the durability of hot-section components to achieve the required levels of performance, reliability, and safety. While high pressure turbines are exposed to gas path temperatures approaching their melting points, features such as cooling systems and environmental coatings are used in combination to meet design goals. The performance of these parts is critically dependent on the temperatures, cycles, time, and stresses achieved during engine operation. Thermometry systems offer nonintrusive optical temperature monitoring for hot-section diagnostics. However, their potential is currently hindered by poor absolute temperature accuracy (large error bounds), as a result of ill characterized uncertainty sources. Modern applications attempt to circumvent this issue by empirical corrections (target specific calibration), which is particularly problematic for surfaces with low and varying emissivity, as encountered in most metals. Unlike most common monochromatic pyrometers, we are focusing our efforts on multi-spectral thermography of unknown emissivity surfaces. Although the emissivity is typically a function of both wavelength and temperature, on sufficiently close spectral bands, per-scenario assumptions (such as graybody, linear change with wavelength, etc.) are valid, and provide direct solution to the system matrix. By acquiring multi-integration time images and conducting quantitative image fusion considering total exposure non-linearity compensation, the currently developing optimized multispectral radiation thermography technique is geared towards accurate 2-D temperature measurement of hot target objects, absent of any repeated calibration. Thereby, directly decoupling surface temperature could contribute to significant advances in online monitoring of gas turbin

Requested profile (background and skills):

  • A pre-existing solid background, or a strong desire to acquire knowledge, in the following subjects is essential: Advanced Measurement Techniques, Data Processing, Radiation Heat Transfer, Multiphysics Modelling.
  • Expertise in MATLAB is a strong benefit.
  • High level of English language proficiency is desirable.
  • Candidates are expected to be self-motivated, hardworking and team players.

This position is for MSc and PhD students

Start Date: Immediate

Apply to:


Contact Person
Professor Beni Cukurel
Faculty of Aerospace Engineering
Basic and Applied Heat Transfer: Heat Transfer Enhancement by Pulsating Coaxial Impinging Jets
Professor Beni Cukurel
Field of Research
In complex applications, where liquid-based cooling is not an option, cooling by impinging jets is an attractive alternative. Several studies have already observed that coaxial impinging jets improve the rate of heat transfer from a body in comparison to a single jet. The goal of the present research is to achieve a further augmentation in the rate of heat transfer by implementing appropriate jet control strategies, such as pulsation of the coaxial jets and addition of swirl component to velocity. The hypothesis is that this pulsation will modulate the strength and the frequency of the primary toroidal vortices that are generated due to the shear layer instabilities in the mixing regions of coaxial jets, and that heat transfer enhancement can be optimized for specific range of the inner and outer jet diameters ratio and pulsation frequency. The investigation entails a systematic study of the spatio-temporal heat transfer characteristics on a heated thin-foil by high-speed infrared thermography, and its detailed correlations to the flow-field measured by phase-locked tomographic particle image velocimetry. The results of the study are expected to significantly enhance heat transfer coefficients in impinging air jet applications and change the way impinging jet cooling is implemented in modern applications.

Requested profile (background and skills):

  • A pre-existing solid background, or a strong desire to acquire knowledge, in the following subjects is essential: Basic and Applied Heat Transfer, Advanced
    Measurement Techniques.
  •  Expertise in finite element / volume solvers (such as COMSOL, ANSYS, Fluent, CFX), and proficiency in MATLAB is a strong benefit.
  • High level of English language proficiency is desirable.
  • Candidates are expected to be self-motivated, hardworking and team players.

This position is for MSc and PhD students

Start Date: Immediate

Apply to:


Contact Person
Professor Beni Cukurel
Faculty of Aerospace Engineering
Basic and Applied Heat Transfer: Acoustically Enhanced Forced Convection in Compact Heat Exchangers
Professor Beni Cukurel
Field of Research
Towards enhancing the efficiency of gas turbines, most thermodynamic cycles require heat to be either added or dissipated by a heat exchanger, which operates by associating two streams of different thermal potential. Due to form factor limitations of many sizes restrained applications, the state of the art is advancing towards more compact designs. This forms the need towards higher performance and efficiency heat exchangers – enabling more heat transfer for the same size heat exchanger unit with an unchanged pressure drop. Therefore, we focus on studying the convective heat transfer ramifications of acoustically excited smooth and turbulated walls. Determined by the resistance of the thermal boundary layer, convective heat transfer is undoubtedly a surface phenomenon, only dependent on the near wall region. Therefore, by acoustic streaming of wall bound flow and formation of a coupled Stokes layer, a local influence on the fluid-solid interface can be achieved without simultaneously affecting the mainstream flow motion – increasing heat transfer performance. However, when the net heat exchange of the flat surface is still insufficient, pertubrators are used to promote transport phenomena by improved mixing with the free stream. In order to improve the efficiency of this periodically reattaching flow problem, we use acoustic resonance driven standing waves to trigger a complex instability dynamic. The instability initiates a process of wavelength conversion by Tolmien-Schlichting waves that are later amplified into Kelvin-Helmoltz instability mechanisms in the free shear layer. Globally, considering the closely confined internal air flow inside highly branched heat exchangers, the coupled resonance behavior of interconnected passages and cavities exert a strong influence on the internal convection heat transfer, absent of additional pressure penalty. Neither of these engineering problems has previously received much prior attention.

Requested profile (background and skills):

  • A pre-existing solid background, or a strong desire to acquire knowledge, in the following subjects is essential: Basic and Applied Heat Transfer, Energy Systems,
    Advanced Measurement Techniques.
  • Expertise in MATLAB and / or LabView is a strong benefit.
  • High level of English language proficiency is desirable.
  • Candidates are expected to be self-motivated, hardworking and team players.

This position is for MSc and PhD students

Start Date: Immediate

Apply to:


Contact Person
Professor Beni Cukurel
Faculty of Aerospace Engineering
Basic and Applied Heat Transfer: Active Turbomachinery Noise Cancellation via Thermo-Acoustic Transducer
Professor Beni Cukurel
Field of Research
Majority of current investigations focus on attenuation of tonal frequencies by active and passive techniques, as well as local noise cancellation at the point of the recipient. However, the anticipated drastic progress on noise reduction can likely stem from sound cancellation at the source. Forming equal-amplitude and opposite-phase pressure waves to the noise, the sound emanating from the system can be negated. Thus far, the technological issue hindering the practical implementation of this approach has been absence of devices, which can be mounted on the entire noise generating surface without affecting the intended operation. Although the moving-coil loudspeaker has seen the most scientific development over the past 150 years, other forms of sound reproduction exist. In particular, thermophones utilize periodic Joule heating of an electrically conductive body to create surface temperature fluctuations, which are then converted into pressure waves by the thermo-acoustic effect. To date, a comprehensive model, which captures the exact mechanism of heat transfer in such devices, does not exist. Therefore, we have been working on a semi-analytical solution that couples the dual-phase-lag hyperbolic heat conduction problem with the ballistic transport on the surface. Considering the wave nature of conduction in small timescales, our model predicts the existence of thermal shocks, thermal resonances, and thermal interference patterns. Based on these estimates, we have engineered thin solid and epoxy media, stretched it between copper electrodes and excited with a combination of direct and alternating currents. Applying this formation on top of a conventional loudspeaker, our method has achieved acoustic cloaking by 500-fold reduction of the generated sound pressure levels. The next stage of the project focuses on reducing the aero-acoustic noise generated by the rotor-stator interaction in a small-scale ducted fan engine, where the thermophone will be deposited on the stator.

Requested profile (background and skills):

  • A pre-existing solid background, or a strong desire to acquire knowledge, in the following subjects is essential: Basic and Applied Heat Transfer, Multiphysics
    Modelling, Acoustics.
  •  Expertise in finite element / volume solvers (such as COMSOL, ANSYS, Fluent, CFX), and proficiency in MATLAB is a strong benefit.
  • High level of English language proficiency is desirable.
  • Candidates are expected to be self-motivated, hardworking and team players.

This position is for MSc and PhD students

Start Date: Immediate

Apply to:


Contact Person
Professor Beni Cukurel
Faculty of Aerospace Engineering
Turbomachinery: Adaptive Cycle Micro-Turbofan Engine
Professor Beni Cukurel
Field of Research
As the operational envelope of unmanned air vehicles expands into the high sub-sonic and transonic speed range, the engine design process requires compromises in thrust, weight, fuel consumption, size, reliability, and manufacturing cost. Moreover, the engine requirements for multiple operating points, consisting of loitering during reconnaissance and high-speed flight during cruise, are conflicting as design criteria for an efficient propulsion system. In general, micro-turbojet engines may offer a simple design capable of providing high levels of thrust, but are marked by poor fuel consumption, hindering range. In contrast, larger platforms utilize turbofan engine architectures due to their greater propulsive efficiency at low flight velocities. The goal of our project is the development of a variable cycle micro gas turbine engine, which operates via integration of a fan by a continuously variable transmission into an existing micro-turbojet with an adaptive bypass nozzle. The developed solution significantly improves maximum thrust, reduces fuel consumption by maintaining the core independently running at its optimum, and enables a wider operational range, all the meanwhile preserving a simple single spool configuration. Moreover, the introduction of a variable fan coupling allows real-time optimization for both “fly-fast” and “loiter” modes.

Requested profile (background and skills):

  • A pre-existing solid background, or a strong desire to acquire knowledge, in the following subjects is essential: Cycle Analysis, System Design and Integration,
    Turbomachinery Aerodynamics.
  •  Expertise in finite element / volume solvers (such as COMSOL, ANSYS, Fluent, CFX), and proficiency in MATLAB is a strong benefit.
  • High level of English language proficiency is desirable.
  • Candidates are expected to be self-motivated, hardworking and team players.

This position is for MSc and PhD students

Start Date: Immediate

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Contact Person
Professor Beni Cukurel
Faculty of Aerospace Engineering
Turbomachinery: Effusion and Skin Cooling for Micro Gas Turbines
Professor Beni Cukurel
Field of Research
As the power and thrust requirements from modern micro turbomachines increase, they pose new challenges on the thermal management of the units. As such, the turbines of these devices are operating in increasingly harsher thermal environments and as the micro turbine are currently mostly uncooled, new cooling paradigms have to be explored to further promote the state of the art. Therefore, we are using our turbine research facilities to develop effusion and skin cooling methods for micro gas turbines. Previously used only in their larger counterparts, the transition of these methods to smaller scales is not trivial and requires significant scientific and experimental inputs in order to provide viable cooling solution for micro turbines

Requested profile (background and skills):

  • A pre-existing solid background, or a strong desire to acquire knowledge, in the following subjects is essential: Turbomachinery Aerodynamics, Heat Transfer,
    Advanced Measurement Techniques.
  • Expertise in finite element / volume solvers (such as COMSOL, ANSYS, Fluent, CFX), and proficiency in MATLAB is a strong benefit.
  • High level of English language proficiency is desirable.
  • Candidates are expected to be self-motivated, hardworking and team players.

This position is for MSc and PhD students

Start Date: Immediate

Apply to:


Contact Person
Professor Beni Cukurel
Faculty of Aerospace Engineering
Turbomachinery: Inverted Brayton Bottoming Cycle for Hot Gas Energy Recovery
Professor Beni Cukurel
Field of Research
In numerous widely used application (such as micro gas turbines, fuel cells and internal combustion engines) significant amount of thermal energy is expelled with hot waste gas. The inverted Brayton bottoming cycle (IBC) offers a way to utilize this expelled heat and boost the overall thermodynamic performance of the system. It makes use of high temperature exhaust gas in near-atmospheric conditions by expansion into vacuum. This avoids issues of backpressure and increases the potential energy recovery from exhaust heat. Our research project focuses on the design, development and validation of the IBC system concept in application-relevant conditions with the ultimate goal of assessing the actual impact on the system performance.

Requested profile (background and skills):

  • A pre-existing solid background, or a strong desire to acquire knowledge, in the following subjects is essential: Cycle Analysis, Advanced Measurement Techniques,
    System Design and Integration.
  • Expertise in MATLAB and LabView is a strong benefit.
  • High level of English language proficiency is desirable.
  • Candidates are expected to be self-motivated, hardworking and team players.

This position is for MSc and PhD students

Start Date: Immediate

Apply to:


Contact Person
Professor Beni Cukurel
Faculty of Aerospace Engineering
Turbomachinery: Linear and Rotational Micro-Turbine Research Facilities
Professor Beni Cukurel
Field of Research
Beyond the inherent design complexity, the physics associated with micro gas turbines are complicated by dimension-specific challenges. Hence, to obtain positive cycle efficiencies, the same design guidelines cannot be applied to large and miniaturized engines. Currently, among the main technological barriers of advanced micro gas turbine development is the lack of relevant scientific knowledge on the hot gas section, which is commercially confidential, and export controlled. In this light, we are building Israel’s first turbine research facility, which will enable developmental projects to be structured around a versatile closed-loop pressurized high speed turbine facility. Incorporating an interchangeable test section to provide hot (~600K) transonic conditions for fixed blade cascade and rotating high/low pressure turbine stages of micro-engines, it is intended to provide unique research capabilities to the global research environment. The final specifications include maximum turbine diameter up to 350mm, closed loop turbine pressure ratio up to 6:1, maximum mass flow rate of 0.9 kg/sec, transonic Mach distribution on the blades, rotational rate of up to 90,000 rpm and flow to metal temperature ratio of up to 2:1. Matching all engine similarity conditions for high pressure turbine stages of micro engines, the continuously running rig will enable full aero-thermal performance characterization of the turbine independent of other sub-components and contribute to advances in the areas of advanced thermal management, active tip clearance control and aerodynamic/thermal loss minimization

Requested profile (background and skills):

  • A pre-existing solid background, or a strong desire to acquire knowledge, in the following subjects is essential: Aero-Thermal Design of Gas Turbines, Turbomachinery Aerodynamics, Heat Transfer, Advanced Measurement Techniques.
  • Expertise in MATLAB and LabView is a strong benefit
  • High level of English language proficiency is desirable.
  • Candidates are expected to be self-motivated, hardworking and team players.

This position is for MSc and PhD students

Start Date: Immediate

Apply to:


Contact Person
Professor Beni Cukurel
Faculty of Aerospace Engineering
Turbomachinery: Cold Flow Mixing Process in Micro-Combustors
Professor Beni Cukurel
Field of Research
Understanding the scalar dissipation dynamics of the fluid inside the combustion chamber of a gas turbine is important from the standpoint of mixing. Current numerical design tools stem from RANS simulations which have turbulence closure issues and arbitrary corrections factors such as turbulent Schmidt number. Fluid mixing can be studied easily through the dissipation rate of the scalars in a given region of investigation. In this experimental research, a non-reactive flow field inside the micro-combustor is resolved in a specially designed experimental facility, which includes a rectangular test section which simulates the flow inside an annular combustion chamber with multiple port of fuel injection at different directions. The flow field is dominated by the cross flow and the impinging flow/co-flow regimes. The research aims to study the dissipation rate of the introduced scalar in a geometry representative of micro combustors by resolving instantaneous scalar and vectoral fields. This is intended to provide a benchmark validation test case for future numerical investigations.

Requested profile (background and skills):

  • A pre-existing solid background, or a strong desire to acquire knowledge, in the following subjects is essential: Fluid Mechanics, Advanced Measurement Techniques.
  •  Expertise in finite element / volume solvers (such as COMSOL, ANSYS, Fluent, CFX), and proficiency in MATLAB is a strong benefit.
  • High level of English language proficiency is desirable.
  • Candidates are expected to be self-motivated, hardworking and team players.

This position is for MSc and PhD students

Start Date: Immediate

Apply to:


Contact Person
Professor Beni Cukurel
Faculty of Aerospace Engineering
Turbomachinery: Development of an Additive Manufactured Micro Gas Turbine with 300W Electric Power Output
Professor Beni Cukurel
Field of Research
Electronic military equipment weight as well as MAV flight time is highly dependent on achievable electric energy density. Therefore, the development of a 300W kerosene driven Ultra Micro Gas Turbine (UMGT) prototype is proposed, which is foreseen to triple energy density compared to current Li-Ion batteries. UMGT developments of previous research projects did not achieve useful electric power output due to manufacturing limitations and unstable air bearings. To encounter these shortcomings, the proposed project will facilitate an additive ceramic manufacturing approach, allowing outstanding design flexibility and material properties. As current high-end ball bearing technology is suitable for the demanding operating conditions of UMGTs, ceramic hybrid bearings will lead to reliable operation of the turbine rotor. In accordance with experimental tests, an analytic engine model will be established to evaluate multiple engine configurations, leading to a highly redundant development process that will result in a multi-parameter optimized UMGT prototype.

Requested profile (background and skills):

  • A pre-existing solid background, or a strong desire to acquire knowledge, in the following subjects is essential: Cycle Analysis, Aero-Thermal Design of Gas Turbines,
    Turbomachinery Aerodynamics, Optimization.
  •  Expertise in finite element / volume solvers (such as COMSOL, ANSYS, Fluent, CFX), and proficiency in MATLAB is a strong benefit.
  • High level of English language proficiency is desirable.
  • Candidates are expected to be self-motivated, hardworking and team players.

This position is for MSc and PhD students

Start Date: Immediate

Apply to:


Contact Person
Professor Beni Cukurel
Faculty of Aerospace Engineering
Turbomachinery: Transonic Fan Test Facility
Professor Beni Cukurel
Field of Research
Towards enabling high quality testing of modern high-pressure ratio turbomachines, the laboratory is establishing a new test facility driven by a 315kW ABB motor with variable speed drive. The tested geometry is scaled and connected to the motor via a step-up gearbox with a ratio of 15.5:1. The duct and the test section will be instrumented and beyond measuring the aerothermal performance via pressure and thermocouple probes, the facility is intended to allow performing detailed acoustic measurements using range of microphones, signal conditioners and amplifiers. Baseline noise measurements will be conducted in the far field via free-field microphones evenly spaced between 0-180°, while the duct measurements will be performed through a rotating inlet, with microphones in two opposite axial rows. Rotation is added due to the three-dimensional behavior of a sound propagation, which allows to obtain an accurate sound footprint of the tested geometry. In addition, EMFi surface microphones (piezo layers sandwiched between two metal sheets with a total thickness of 100µm) can be attached to the stators and the housing in order to quantify the unsteady pressure field.

Requested profile (background and skills):

  • A pre-existing solid background, or a strong desire to acquire knowledge, in the following subjects is essential: Turbomachinery Aerodynamics, Aeroacoustics, Flow
    Control, Advanced Measurement Techniques.
  •  Expertise in finite element / volume solvers (such as COMSOL, ANSYS, Fluent, CFX), and proficiency in MATLAB is a strong benefit.
  • High level of English language proficiency is desirable.
  • Candidates are expected to be self-motivated, hardworking and team players.

This position is for MSc and PhD students

Start Date: Immediate

Apply to:


Contact Person
Professor Beni Cukurel
Faculty of Aerospace Engineering
Turbomachinery: Acoustic Flow Control of Low Reynolds - High Lift Airfoil
Professor Beni Cukurel
Field of Research
Turbine airfoils are known to suffer severe performance degradation at off-design conditions that can be mitigated by active flow control methodologies. In the present study, acoustic excitation is used to control the separation over such airfoils and different strategies are developed to determine flow and excitation parameters for optimum control of separation for varying airfoil shapes. These guidelines are developed based on detailed experimental campaign measuring surface pressure and velocity field around the airfoils. Experiments are performed using an in-house low speed acoustic wind tunnel facility equipped with laser diagnostic techniques (PIV) and other relevant instrumentation (static pressure probes, flow velocity meter and thermocouples). The excitation parameters (amplitude and frequency of global excitation), flow parameters (velocity) and shape of airfoils are individually varied. These experiments not only bring out the most favorable conditions but also enable us to uncover the flow mechanisms leading to desired modifications in airfoil performance.

Requested profile (background and skills):

  • A pre-existing solid background, or a strong desire to acquire knowledge, in the following subjects is essential: Turbomachinery Aerodynamics, Aeroacoustics, Flow
    Control, Advanced Measurement Techniques.
  •  Expertise in finite element / volume solvers (such as COMSOL, ANSYS, Fluent, CFX), and proficiency in MATLAB is a strong benefit.
  • High level of English language proficiency is desirable.
  • Candidates are expected to be self-motivated, hardworking and team players.

This position is for MSc and PhD students

Start Date: Immediate

Apply to:


Contact Person
Professor Beni Cukurel
Faculty of Aerospace Engineering
Human-Machine Interfaces: Kinesthetic Training Module (KTM)
Research Fellow Anna Clarke
Field of Research
Kinesthetic Training Module (KTM) was developed for accelerating the acquisition of the body- flight skill: maneuvering during the free-fall stage of skydiving. The concept was successfully tested in a Virtual Reality (VR) simulator (on the ground), while the most exciting experimental stage is still ahead: building the KTM prototype and introducing it into training in real-time, during the actual activity. The testing of the prototype will take place in the wind tunnel. The KTM cues (feedback and desired body postures and predicted inertial motion) must be displayed to the user via AR goggles (Vuzix Blade). A portable small computer must be adopted for computation of the cues and transmitting them to Vuzix. Alternatively, the Xsens suit can transmit wireless to a PC station outside of the wind tunnel, where the cues will be computed and transmitted, in their turn, to Vuzix. Once the prototype is built, it will be possible to investigate the effect of the KTM cues on the evolution of trainee’s movement patterns. From this point the research can evolve in many possible directions, for example:
  • designing novel control/reinforcement learning/optimization algorithms for computation of the KTM cue presenting the desired body posture, continuously adapted in real-time
  • designing novel estimation/signal processing/sensor fusion algorithms for computation of the KTM cue presenting the predicted inertial body motion, position and orientation
  • investigating motor learning and skill acquisition theoretical aspects through the novel perspective provided by the human-in-the-loop control system
  • developing body-flight training programs for integrating the KTM into sky- diving training methodology, while providing a thorough investigation of potential acceleration of skill acquisition, required practice variability, skill retention and transfer aspects, and etc.
  • investigating the biomechanical aspects of the trained skill, and analyzing the body-flight technique; exploring a possibility to guide the evolution of the trainee’s movement repertoire by the means of control and movement patterns construction algorithms, involved in the KTM

This position is for MSc and PhD students

In the center of this research activity will be building and testing the first prototype of the Augmented Reality training system, called Kinesthetic Training Module (KTM). It was developed for accelerating the acquisition of the body- flight skill: maneuvering during the free-fall stage of skydiving. The concept was successfully tested in a Virtual Reality (VR) simulator (on the ground), while the most exciting experimental stage is still ahead: building the KTM prototype and introducing it into training in real-time, during the actual activity.

Requirements: A good background, or a strong desire to acquire knowledge in dynamic systems, control theory, computer graphics, modeling and simulation, and signal processing; experience in Unity3D, Matlab/Python/C++; hands- on experience with embedded systems; self-motivation, open mind and enthusiasm

Start Date: Immediate

Apply to:

Contact Person
Research Fellow Anna Clarke
Faculty of Aerospace Engineering
Human-Machine Interfaces: Designing a Virtual Reality (VR) simulator for training human pilots to control and land RAM air conventional (military and civilian) parachutes used for skydiving
Research Fellow Anna Clarke
Field of Research
The main research idea is to develop an autonomous agent capable of per- forming the task (piloting and landing a RAM air parachute) and convert the computed solution (control variables) into learning aids, utilized in a training simulator. Many aspects that are currently learned by skydivers by trial and error, thus introducing many dangerous situations and accidents, can be trained in VR:
  • adjusting the landing pattern to the weather conditions: wind strength and direction, air humidity and density, etc.
  • adjusting the landing pattern to the traffic situation, taking a safe slot in the stack, preventive flying, dealing with obstacles
  • performing the flare – canopy stalling procedure during landing
  • adjusting the flare procedure to the weather conditions, and different canopy loading and canopy model
  • recovery after canopy stall and canopy collision
  • piloting and landing a canopy with partial malfunction/ double-canopy mal-function
  • high performance landings
At the second stage this research can be extended to training cooperative maneuvers: when multiple agents, both human and autonomous, are simultaneously flying their landing patterns towards the same landing area.

This position is for MSc and PhD students

This research includes the following major steps:

• Developing a dynamic model of RAM air parachute, driven by user inputs applied to the steering toggles.
The model should be configurable to fit different canopy models, wing loading, and weather conditions.
• Validating the model in experiments.
• Developing a VR world showing the inertial motion of the skydiver under canopy from his perspective given
his steering inputs, and the task parameters (e.g. obstacles and the landing area)
• Building the experimental setup in the Lab including the dynamic simulationand VR world running on
PC, VR goggles for displaying the output, and the mechanical imitation of steering lines for providing
the simulator input.
• Conducting experiments with human subjects for developing and validatinga training strategy for
canopy pilots
• Designing control and path planning algorithms for an autonomous canopy pilot in order to gain an
insight into piloting challenges and convert the computed flying pattern and control variables into
motor learning aids.

Requirements: A good background, or a strong desire to acquire knowledge in dynamic systems, control theory, optimal control, and optimization; experience in Matlab/Python/C++; open mind and enthusiasm.

Start Date: Immediate

Apply to:

Contact Person
Research Fellow Anna Clarke
Faculty of Aerospace Engineering
Human-Machine Interfaces: Developing Virtual Reality Training Simulators
Research Fellow Anna Clarke
Field of Research
The VR/AR visual cues displayed to the trainee in real-time during the actual activity can be extracted from a virtual performer: an autonomous agent guided by automatic control algorithms capable of performing the desired maneuvers given an access to a trainee’s body (as an actuator). There are various skills that can be trained according to this approach: Motor skills It could be very interesting to explore VR Training for balancing tasks, both prior the activity (standing on a stable ground and practicing postures/exercises required for the activity), and during the actual activity (performing it with the VR goggles on presenting various cues/aids, including the posture command computed by controllers specifically designed for this purpose). Perception skills Another challenging task is to reconstruct in virtual reality sensory overload experienced by novice skydivers in free-fall, including such phenomena as tunnel vision. If the VR simulator reconstructs this experience sufficiently close to how it feels in reality, trainees can learn to overcome its paralyzing effect before participating in the real activity. One more very useful skill that can be trained in VR is performing parachute emergency procedures, including recognizing the situations when those procedures must be used. In VR simulator it will be possible to reconstruct the dynamics of a malfunctioned main canopy, so that the trainee can learn to perform the required procedures while being engaged in aggressive maneuvers, and practice altitude awareness.

Training in many types of activities and sports can greatly benefit from incorporating a VR/AR simulator into the training process. The goal of this research is to further explore the following idea, that’s been successfully applied to skydiving training.

This position is for MSc and PhD students

Requirements: A good background, or a strong desire to acquire knowledge in dynamic systems, control theory, optimal control, and optimization; experience in Matlab/Python/C++; open mind and enthusiasm.

Start Date: Immediate

Apply to:


Contact Person
Research Fellow Anna Clarke
Faculty of Aerospace Engineering
Human-Machine Interfaces: Human Motor Equivalence from Control Engineering Perspective
Research Fellow Anna Clarke
Field of Research
The goal of this activity is to verify and extend the following new hypothesis regarding human motor equivalence: In sports and activities taking place in highly dynamic environments the human natural kinematic redundancy is utilized for plant shaping: acquiring such dynamic characteristics of the plant comprising the body and environment that it can be controlled via a simple control law This was discovered during a research of body flight: an art of maneuvering in free-fall, as in skydiving. The way to further explore this hypothesis is testing it indifferent sports. This requires modelling the activity dynamics, verify the model in experiments with human subjects, extract movement patterns from skilled and less skilled participants, and compare the open loop frequency functions constructed in simulation. The experiments must be performed for a sufficient (for statistical analysis) number of participants in each skill group. The activity must be chosen such that the environment dynamics is meaningful (unstable, NMP), e.g. skiing, ice skating, slack line walking, one wheel riding. A good activity to perform in the lab would be any type of a balancing task, as on trampoline or whirly board. This might also allow us to use optical sensors for tracking the body movements (OptiTrack instead of Xsens). The most exciting part of this research would be suggesting modifications for trainee’s movement patterns based on the frequency analysis, teaching the trainee to implement them and conducting again the experiment described above. This process can have several iterations and must be performed individually for each trainee.

This position is for MSc and PhD students

Requirements: A good background, or a strong desire to acquire knowledge in dynamic systems, control theory, optimal control, and optimization; experience in Matlab/Python/C++; open mind and enthusiasm.

Start Date: Immediate

Apply to:


Contact Person
Research Fellow Anna Clarke
Faculty of Aerospace Engineering
Control Theory: Bifurcation Analysis of a Skydiver Dynamic Model
Research Fellow Anna Clarke
Field of Research
Bifurcation analysis in aerodynamic, mechanical, chemical, and biological systems is a very important tool for getting an insight into system’s dynamics, predicting its behavior, and designing controllers. Multiple works in many areas of science are devoted to bifurcation analysis. Numerical packages for creating bifurcation diagrams for systems that are too complex for analytical representation (computation of Jacobian) have been developed, e.g. MATCONT. Bifurcation analysis for the skydiver model has proved to be tricky and is yet to be formalized. This task is very exciting due to the high dimension of the parameter space: the multiple body DOFs, the muscle tension in multiple limbs, and the damping moment coefficients. With so many variables and high nonlinearities and strong longitudinal-lateral coupling in the model even computing the equilibrium points becomes very challenging. The MATCONT package seems to have many limitations when dealing with such cases. It seems that one possible approach to bifurcation analysis of the skydiver model is utilizing our knowledge of movement patterns to reduce the number of control parameters and the dimension of the state space. From experiments we know that novices exhibit oscillations (stable and unstable limit cycles) around longitudinal and frontal axes, until they learn to control their muscle tension and aerodynamic moments damping. Therefore, the first research activity could be finding the Hopf bifurcation as a function of damping pitch and roll moment coefficients, for the neutral body posture (which can be unsymmetrical for novice skydivers).

This position is for MSc and PhD students

Requirements: A good background, or a strong desire to acquire knowledge in dynamic systems, control theory, optimal control, and optimization; experience in Matlab/Python/C++; open mind and enthusiasm.

Start Date: Immediate

Apply to:

Contact Person
Research Fellow Anna Clarke
Faculty of Aerospace Engineering
Control Theory: Unscented Transform Controller (UTC) stability and performance analysis
Research Fellow Anna Clarke
Field of Research
UTC was developed during investigating control of advanced skydiving maneuvers. The goal was reconstructing in simulation performance of these maneuvers by the means of changing the body posture of a virtual skydiver, as well as muscle tension (represented by dimensionless input moment coefficients and damping moment coefficients). Conventional methods, such as learning these coefficients via RNN and controlling the posture via classic control methods, didn’t allow to achieve the desired accuracy and robustness. UTC utilizes the skydiver non-linear model to predict the skydiver’s inertial motion during a prediction horizon for a number of representative combinations of control variables (chosen via Unscented Transform). The outcome of each case is compared to the desired maneuver and a weighted average is assigned to the controller output. This controller showed a very good performance in simulations and could be conveniently tuned to obtain several different ways to execute the same maneuver, thus reconstructing the experience reported by skydivers. However, stability and robustness of this controller needs to be further investigated. If applied to linear systems with prediction horizon of one step it can be proved that UTC satisfies a Discrete Algebraic Riccati Equation (DARE), and for the first simulation step the UTC controller is identical to LQR. From the second step onward the UTC controller has a part that depends on the previous con- troller’s output (as opposed to LQR). For linear systems and prediction horizon of multiple steps the stability condition of UTC has a structure of DARE with one additional term. The weight matrix R associated with control effort in DARE is related, in the case of UTC, to the scattering of sigma points. The solution of DARE – matrix P is related, in the case of UTC, to the desired accuracy of tracking the state reference profile. In the case of multiple step prediction horizon – it is related also to the system dynamics: matrix A. The structure of the stability condition for one prediction step UTC for non-linear systems has the same structure as a state-dependent DARE. The stability of multiple step UTC for non-linear systems is yet to be explored. From simulations with the skydiver model we get an impression that UTC is beneficial for highly non-linear systems with NMP dynamics and multiple actuators (with tight range and rate limits), which has many equilibrium points (stable and unstable) and is required to pass through their attraction regions during performing the desired maneuver. It seems important to find a less complex example system (or, alternatively, derive a smaller-dimension private case from the sky- diver model), but yet with meaningful dynamics, in order to acquire a better understanding of the physical meaning of UTC tuning matrices. The robustness of UTC can be explored by providing it with an uncertain model of the plant, a partial state feedback, and adding noise to the feedback signals.  

This position is for MSc and PhD students

Requirements: A good background, or a strong desire to acquire knowledge in dynamic systems, control theory, non-linear systems, and Kalman filtering; experience in Matlab/Python/C++; open mind and enthusiasm

Start Date: Immediate

Apply to:


Contact Person
Research Fellow Anna Clarke

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